Nuclear Family, a three-part documentary series, follows filmmaker Ry Russo-Young as she turns the camera on her own past to explore the meaning of family. In the late 70s/early 80s, when the concept of a gay family was inconceivable to most, Ry and her sister Cade were born to two lesbian mothers through sperm donors. Ry’s idyllic childhood was threatened by an unexpected lawsuit which sent shockwaves through her family’s lives and continues to reverberate today. An exploration of love, loyalty, loss and the immutable power of family in all its configurations, Nuclear Family eloquently examines the dynamics that enrich and complicate the bonds of love. The series is directed by Ry(“Before I Fall”), an award-winning filmmaker, and produced by Academy Award and Emmy® winner Dan Cogan of Story Syndicate and Warren Fischer. The series will debut on HBO and be available to stream on HBO Max.
Combining a rich tapestry of home videos, press coverage and astonishing interviews with family, friends and adversaries, Ry has told a story that is both deeply personal and broadly universal. After a career directing fictional stories in scripted films, Ry has reinvented her own approach to storytelling by unearthing a real-life epic that is as dramatic and profound as fiction, and that reveals just how precarious and precious the very act of loving our families can be.